I send a request to spanish government to somebody help me to dock the boat in any harbour for a few days to experiment before sailing, explaining this is an experiment shared with everybody with any commercial interest. This is the answer:
"I want to be thankful for the information that it has facilitated to us, as well as its sample ofcapacity of initiative and innovation, but I must indicate to you that it is not function of thePresidency of the Government to promote the commercialization of the inventions realised bythe individuals and companyes." It receives a warm greeting. Signed: Jose Serrano Enrique Martinez. Director of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government.
I know this sounds a bit fool, in a time when almost all the goverments invests in new and green technology. Probably they need a hundred million dollars project to support burocracy, but this is from people to people. I share for free and this works, saving oil and benefitiating our planet, as everybody knows.
They got some laws in helping individuals to develop green energy - but this is not real.